Saturday, October 15, 2011

8 Steps to Eliminating Procrastination

     I've finally got myself to write my first blog! Why? As much as I'd like to say it was the motivation that came with the excitement of having my own blog, that's not exactly the case. We all have those high priority tasks that get pushed to the back of our to-do list by Facebook apps, angry birds, and just about any other excuse under the sun to avoid what must be done. Sure I'm leaving for vacation in 1 day and that list of important tasks has my notepad looking mind-boggling, but do you think I have a tenth of that list crossed off? Of course not. I spent more time writing the atrocious list than working on achieving the tasks on it. Okay, now I'm delaying my point.

     All the time friends will comment on my issues with procrastination, but not one has useful input. And no, I do not consider, "Just get off your bum and move!" motivational. I'm more of the type who likes the rush of doing things last minute because the deadline is right in front of me. So I decided to come up with a  8 step slack-proof plan to eliminate procrastination to help those similar to me get what needs to get done.

  • Step 1: Clear all thoughts of Facebook. I know, I know. You're thinking, "But I still have a city to build" or "I still have to feed my pet". This is what I want you to do. Go to every Facebook app you have and take care of all your dailies. Yes, it sounds tedious, but if you are a Facebook fanatic  like I am it needs to get done this way your not drifting back to your computer every two minutes.

  • Step 2: Make a list. Write down everything you want to do after you finish your high-priority tasks this way you know you won't forget them later. As you pass that pile of stinky dished or mounds of dirty and clean laundry make a note for later. You wont get side-tracked with other house hold chores and overwhelmed by what to do first. (If your expecting company those dishes might need to be moved to the top)

  • Step 3: Clear the Tivo and set recorders. True of False? If you watch everything you have recorded there won't be anything left to tempt you later. If there happens to be something that catches your eye, set a recorder for it. As a matter of fact, set recorders for anything you want to watch within the next couple of days. You won't have to worry about rushing home and you can save your t.v. time for when your doing a task that involves sitting down.

  • Step 4: Clean yourself up. We all have those days where all you want to do is sit in your jammies. Giving yourself that relaxed feeling will only set you up for more procrastinating.

  • Step 5: Check your e-mail. 

  • Step 6: Take all calls.

  • Step 8: Push everything else aside and get started!

WARNING: This 8 step solution may take delaying, dawdling, and set backs. The basis of this solution is to eliminate all procrastination with procrastination. Not intended for those trying to accomplish anything within a short period of time.

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